Members and Trustees
Gael Hicks
Lord Andrew Mawson
Helen Thomas
David Mann
Alyson Moore
Board of Trustees
Helen Fernandes - Chair of trustees. Appointed 10th July 2019. Safeguarding link, Curriculum Committee
James Gordon - Vice chair of the board. Appointed 6th December 2023, Finance Committee
Rebecca Burton - Finance Committee. Appointed 28th March 2018
Linda-May Bingham - CEO - Accounting Officer - Executive Head Teacher. Finance and Curriculum Committees
Lynne Dawes - Chair of Finance Committee
Sharon Monahan - Chair of Curriculum Committee, SEND & Inclusion link, appointed March 2021, Curriculum Committee
Emily Boxer - appointed 11th December 2019, Curriculum Committee
Tim Peake - appointed 8th December 2021, Finance Committee
Ryan Masters - appointed 20th March 2024, Finance Committee
Parent Trustees
Samuel Obadan (Britannia Village) - appointed April 2023, Curriculum Committee
David Verroken (Royal Wharf) - appointed October 2021, Curriculum Committee
Mr Greg Robbins - Clerk to Trustees
Contact details:
The Chair and Vice-Chair can be contacted via the school office.
School Links
Britannia Village Primary School

Royal Wharf